MeTEOR is a company that focuses on developing transformative learning spaces in order to maximize learning opportunities in and outside of the classroom. Over the last 3 years, MeTEOR and By The Hand have been working to create a classroom environment that not only provides multi-functional learning areas but also supports a bright, hopeful, fun, and safe learning experience. By The Hand recognizes that these classroom aspects are critical to overcoming the barriers and obstacles to learning.

MeTEOR’s dynamic equipment, furniture, and resources have allowed By The Hand to expand classroom instruction, improving the environment and thereby increasing the learning interactions between students and their team leaders and volunteers. MeTEOR has changed how By The Hand meets and serves each child on a personal level.

As this partnership continues to develop, By The Hand is working with MeTEOR to create a model classroom of the future known as the “Inspire Zone”. This classroom, located at the By The Hand Club in Austin, will set a new standard for educational best practices and it will be used as a model for other education innovators. We celebrate the continued advancement of our God-sized vision for the Austin community and for Chicago as a whole.